Thank you for visiting our privacy policy. If you have any questions on anything shown below, or have suggestions on how we can improve this page, please -- by all means -- let us know.
Smitter Sports Newsletter
Smitter Sports may ask you if you want to receive our monthly newsletter on sports related software and technology including sports photography. Should you choose to sign up for this newsletter, your email address will be placed on our opt-in mailing list. Each email you receive from us will contain an unsubscribe link that will instantly remove you from our list.
We do not, and never will, share or otherwise exchange your email address with third-parties.
Anonymous Usage Information
Our SportsCam app will *soon* include the option to send anonymous usage information to Smitter Sports.
This information is used solely to help us better improve SportsCam, and the information that we receive is not personally identifiable. You can opt out of sending this information at any time by opening the Settings app on your iOS device, tapping on “SportsCam” and then turning Anonymous Usage Reports to “Off”.
We do not collect any personally-identifiable information, and we do not collect any information stored in your videos or photos.
Should you have any questions about the anonymous usage information that we collect, please contact us and we’ll be happy to answer any questions you might have. Please note that, due to the fact that none of the usage data we collect can be personally-identified, we are unable to process any requests to remove information which may have previously been submitted as we cannot identify any individual usage data.
Twitter or FaceBook
When signing up to receive Smitter Sports news by following us on Twitter or FaceBook, these services share the name associated with your Twitter or FaceBook account, and your username with us. We may on occasion look at the list of new followers to better understand our target demographics. The privacy levels on your Twitter or FaceBook accounts control access to all viewable information. Please see more information for those services on the Twitter or FaceBook website.
Smitter Sports does not use any cookies for advertising or other purposes. Our website uses Google Analytics which may use cookies to track return visitors to our website. These statistics are used to better understand who is using our website and/or blog. Please review Google's website for more information, or shoot us an email if you'd like to know more.